In this tutorial we will see How to Convert Kg to Lbs in Excel and Google Sheets .We will also learn How to convert from lbs to Kg
To convert Kg to LBS first we need to know the units of measurement.
- 1 kilogram kg = 2.2046226218 lbs
- 1 pound lbs = 0.45359237 kg
How to Convert Kg to Lbs in Excel and Google Sheets : Step by Step Guide
By using the CONVERT function
The Convert function is one of the best and easiest method to convert Kg to lbs.The below provided steps will work in Both excel and Google Sheets
Below is the Syntax for CONVERT Function:
=CONVERT(number,“from_unit “,”to_unit”)
is value we need to convert in from_unit .from_unit
is the unit of measurement to convert from.to_unit
is the unit of measurement to which the value will be convert to.
Enclosed are the steps to convert kg to lbs by using the CONVERT function:
- Open excel or Google Sheets
- Select the cell where you want to get the converted result.
- Now type the CONVERT function formula =CONVERT(cell with value,”kg”,”lbm”)
- Press Enter.
In the below example(in Google Sheets) we have typed the CONVERT function in cell B2 to convert the number specified in Cell A2 from kg to lbs

Click on the symbol as shown below to auto-fill rest of the column.

Apart from weight CONVERT function can be used to convert a wide range of other measurement unites such as distance,area temperature,length etc.
Convert kg to lbs by using Division
To convert kg(kilograms) to (pounds) by using division follow the below steps:
- Open excel or Google Sheets
- Select the cell where you want to get the converted result.Click in a cell where you want to insert the converted amount.
- Now type the formula “=cell with numeric value/measure of 1 lbs in KG” without quotes,for example =A2/0.45359237
- Now Press the Enter Key.
In the below example(in Google Sheets) we are conveting kg to lbs by using the division formula in cell B2

Convert kg(kilograms) to lbs(pounds) by using multiplication
Follow the below steps tp Convert kg(kilograms) to lbs(pounds) by using multiplication
- Open excel or Google Sheets
- Select the cell where you want to get the converted result.Click in a cell where you want to insert the converted amount.
- Now type the formula “=cell with numeric value*measure of 1 kg in lbs“,for example =A2*2.205
- Now Press the Enter Key.
In the below example(in Google Sheets) we are conveting kg to lbs by using the multiplication operator formula in cell B2:
Note : 1 kilogram kg = 2.2046226218 lbs

You can use the preceding steps to get started with Kg to lbs conversion .Use any of the above provided methods whichever you find the most easiest.
We hope this tutorial on How to Convert Kg to Lbs in Excel and Google Sheets was helpful.
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