In this tutorial you will learn How to Make a Line Graph in Microsoft Word
To make a Line Graph in Microsoft Word Navigate to the Insert Menu and Clkck on Charts.On the Insert Chart Screen ,Select the Line Chart with a specific style then Click OK .
A Chart with demo data will be inserted which you can customize later.Let’s go through the steps in detail.
How to Make a Line Graph in Microsoft Word
Enclosed are the steps to Make a Line Graph in Microsoft Word
Step 1 : Start Microsoft Word
- Start Microsoft Word on your Laptop or desktop .After Opening Microsoft word Click on New Blank document.
- You can also open and use an exisiting document where you need to make a Line Graph
Shortcut to open a new blank Microsoft Word document
Press Win+R key in combination and type winword on the Run dialog box and press OK
Step 2 : Add a Chart to Microsoft Word
Go to Insert Menu and Click on Chart Option

Once you click on the Insert->Chart option. Insert Chart screen will appear

Step 3 : Select a Chart Style
- On the left-hand side of the Insert Chart screen, Click on the Line option as shown below
- Now Select a Chart Style from the available option,then click OK.

Step 4 : Customize the Chart
- Once you click on OK an example Line Graph with an excel dataset will appear on your word document.
- You can customize the demo data shown as Category and Series in the spreadsheet with your own dataset to create a Line graph.
- You can also customize the color,font and size in your line graph

To Edit the data on Chart ,Righ Click on the Chart and Select “Edit data“

Step 5 : Save your Document.
- Once your done with your final formatting and Changes .You can save the document by clicking on File->Save.
- A window will pop up which will ask you to save the document .
- Specify a name for the document and Select the Location on your PC where you need to save tjhe file
How to Make a Line Graph in Microsoft Word(Conclusion)
In the above tutorial, we have provided you with a Step by Step Guide using which you can make a Line in Ms word. You can further explore various customizing options for the Line Graph in Ms Word.
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