In this tutorial, we will show you How To Swap Cells in Google Sheets
How To Swap Cells In Google Sheets(Overview of Steps )
- Open your Google Sheet with columns that you want to swap.
- Select the first column then copy and paste on top of the third column.
- Now copy the second columns and paste it on top on the first column.
- You columns will be swapped.
How To Swap Cells In Google Sheets: Step by Step Guide
Enclosed are the steps to swap Rows or Columns in Google Sheets :
Step 1 :
Open your Google Sheet with columns that you want to swap.
Step 2 :
- Select the Column which you want to swap by clicking on the title header of the columns.
- Now using the mouse cursor drag it and release it on top of the column with which you want to swap it.
- As soon as you drag the column on top of another column. You will notice the column color will turn grey

Step 3 :
Now Click on the Header /title of the Second column and drag it to the previous position of the First column.

Step 4 :
The required columns have been swapped.
Step 5 :
Follow the same procedure to swap rows by dragging the specific rows on your Google Sheet.
How to swap specific cells in Google Sheets
If you want to swap specific cells in google sheets. Follow the below steps
Step 1 :
As a first step to swapping specific cells in google sheets, you need to copy and paste the data in the cell to another cell so that you don’t lose the data.
- Select the cells with data that you want to swap.
- Now Right Click and Select Cut, you can also use the keyboard Shortcut CTRL+X on Windows or CMD+X on Mac

Step 2 :
Now move your mouse cursor to an empty location on your sheet with enough space to accommodate the data.
In this example, we have created a heading Backup Storage to copy data.

Hit Ctrl + V on Windows or Command + V on Mac to paste the selection into the blank cell(s)
Step 3 :
Now right click on the cell where you want to create a data backup ( in this example backup storage) and Select Paste.
You can also use the keyboard Shortcut CTRL+V on Windows or CMD +V on Mac Computer.

Step 4 :
Now swap the data on the second columns with the first column,by cutting and pasting it on the first column as shown below.

Step 5 :
Now copy the data from backup storage to Second column with empty space.
The date in the cells will be swapped
How To Swap Cells In Google Sheets (Conclusion)
We hope this tutorial on How To Swap Cells In Google Sheets was ueful.
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