How to Calculate Average If Cell Contains Text in Google Sheets(Quick & Easy Guide)

In this tutorial you will learn How to Calculate Average If Cell Contains Text in Google Sheets

You can use the following formula to calculate the average in Google Sheets only for the cells that contain a specific text:

To Calculate Average If Cell Contains Text in Google Sheets you can use the AVERAGEIF Function


Let’s use the above formula in a step by step example

How to Calculate Average If Cell Contains Text in Google Sheets : Step by Step Guide

Here’s How to Calculate Average If Cell Contains Text in Google Sheets

Step 1 : Open Google Sheets

Step 2 : Prepare your dataset

Assuming we have a dataset consisting of 8 football teams with number of Points scored in a Footbal Wordcup tournament.

Step 3 : Use the formula to Calculate Average

Use the following formula AVERAGEIF function you can calculate the average points scored by the footbal teams where a team consists of text “ne”


The above AVERAGEIF function will caclulate the average values between the range B2:B9 only for specific cells thats consists of text “ne” in the range A2:A9

This particular formula will calculate the average of the values in the range B2:B13 only for the cells that contain “text” in the range A2:A13.

Note: The asterisks, which function as wildcard characters, instruct Google Sheets to disregard any text that comes before or after a certain string.

Type the formula in the Cell for example C2 where you need the result

Average If Cell Contains Text in Google Sheets

Now Press enter

The average points scored by teams with text “ne” in the teams name is  6.5.

In the above example we have two teams Netherlands and Senegal which consists of text “ne” in the name.

Let’s Calculate the average points scored by the teams Manually

Average Points Scored = (7 + 6) / 2= 6.5.

The manually calculated value matches with the result calculate by the AVERAGEIF function ????????

Check the following link to find the complete documentation related to AVERAGEIF function

How to Calculate Average If Cell Contains Text in Google Sheets(Conclusion)

In the above tutorial we have shown you a step by step guide to calculate avergae if the cell contains text in Google Sheets.

We hope this tutorial was helpful.

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