In this tutorial, we will learn How to make a copyright symbol on PC and Mac
To make a copyright Symbol follow the below steps
On Windows PC
- Go to the search option beside the start menu and type Char and select Character Map, Now Double Click on the Copyright Sign and Click on Copy
on Mac
- Go Edit > Emoji & Symbols and Click on Show Next Categories, Select the Copyright Symbol to copy it to Clipboard
How to make a copyright symbol on PC and Mac: Step by Step Guide
Follow the below steps to make a copyright symbol on PC and MAC.
How to make a copyright Symbol on Mac Using Character Viewer
Enclosed are the steps to make a copyright symbol on Mac using Character Viewer :
Step 1: Go to the Edit Menu and Select Emoji & Symbols
You can also use the keyboard shortcut Control+Command+Space
Edit > Emoji & Symbols

Step 2: Click on Show Next Categories

Step 3: Select the Copyright Sign under “LETTERLIKE SYMBOLS“
Under Letterlike symbols Select the Copyright Symbol as shown below to copy it to the clipboard

You can also create a copyright symbol with the keyboard shortcut Option + g key on Mac Os. Just press and hold the option key and then press g on the keyboard.
How to Make a Copyright Symbol in Windows
You can make copyright symbols on windows pc using either the numeric keypad alt codes or using the Character map
How to Make a Copyright Symbol Using a Numerical Keypad
You can create a copyright Symbol on Windows using a numeric keypad.
Following is the alt code keyboard shortcut
Press and hold the Alt key and start typing 0169
The procedure might be different depending on the type of laptop you are using. Try to look for small numbers on the top 7, 8, 9, U, I, O, J, K, L, and M keys which act as 0 to 9 when you activate Num Lock.
How to Make a Copyright Symbol Without Using a Numerical Keypad
Enclosed are the steps to make a copyright Symbol without a numerical keypad:
- Press and hold the function key Fn now press NumLk which will turn on Num Lock. Depending on the type of computer you are using the options might differ, you might have a dedicated NumLk key or mapped to some other key.
- Find the numeric keys. If you are not able to find them just try these options
M=0, J=1, K=2, L=3, U=4, I=5, O=6, 7=7, 8=8, 9=9
- 3 Now Press the Alt key and simultaneously type 0169 on your numeric keypad
- Now, as soon as you release the keys you will see the © symbol in your text.
How to make a Copyright Symbol on a Windows PC Using a Character Map
If the keyboard shortcut seems like too much work, copy a copyright symbol from elsewhere (like this page) and paste it into your text. The © symbol is also included in the Character Map tool in Windows.
Enclosed are the steps to make a copyright symbol on a PC using Character Map :
- Go to the search option beside the start menu and type Char and select Character Map

if for some reason the search functionality is not working you can also use the keyboard Shortcut Just Press and hold the Windows key and then press R (WIN+R) this will open the Run dialog box and now type charmap command and press enter.

Step 2: Double Click on the Copyright Sign and Press Copy
- Double Click on the Copyright Sign so that it is selected.
- Now the Copyright Symbol will be visible in Characters to copy the text box, Just press Copy

Step 3: Now as the copyright symbol has been copied you can simply paste it where you Paste, Right Click and Paste, or use CTRL+V
We hope this tutorial on How to make a copyright symbol on PC and Mac was helpful.
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