In this tutorial, you will learn How to Check for plagiarism on Google docs.
To check for Plagiarism on Google docs you can install any plagiarism checker addon from Extensions->Get add-ons.
Alternatively, you can also use the Grammarly plagiarism checker. Just copy and paste the text on your Google docs on the Grammarly plagiarism checker and click on scan for plagiarism.
You can also download and upload your Google doc on the Grammarly Plagiarism checker.
How to Check for Plagiarism on Google Docs: Step by Step Guide
Below are the steps to Check for Plagiarism on Google Docs :
Using a Plagiarism add-on from Google Workspace Management.
Step 1 :
Open Google docs where you need to check for plagiarism.
Step 2 :
- Click on the Extensions menu on the Main menu bar.
- From the drop-down Select Add-on->Get add-ons

Step 3 :
- Once you click on Get-addons, the Google Workspace Management screen will pop-up
- Search for the Plagiarism add-on in the search area.

Step 4 :
Install any of your preferred add-ons from the result.
In this example, we will use

Select the add-on and then click on the Install button. It will ask for the necessary authorization to install the add-on.
Provide the required confirmation and complete the installation.

Step 5 :
Once the add-on is installed close the Google Workspace management screen.

Step 7 :
Start the add-on.
- Click on the Extensions menu and Select your required add-on (In our example then click on start

Step 7 :
Once you click to start the Plagiarism check window will pop up on the top right of your Google docs.
Perform the initial registration if required.

Step 8 :
Perform the plagiarism Check. Click on proceed to check for plagiarism(depending on your add-on the option might differ).
This will check the text in your document for plagiarism

You will get the result as shown below.

Using Grammarly plagiarism Checker
Grammarly is quite popular among students and professionals to perform spelling and grammar corrections.
Grammarly also provides a plagiarism checker.However you need a Grammarly premium subscription to use this service
Enclosed are the steps to check for plagiarism on Google Docs using the Grammarly plagiarism checker.
Step 1 :
Open Google docs where you need to check for plagiarism.
Step 2 :
You can copy and paste the text from your Google docs into the Grammarly plagiarism checker as shown below.
Click on Scan for plagiarism to check the text

Step 3 :
Alternatively, if you want to download and upload the document follow the below.
- Go to the File menu and Click on the Download option.
- Under Download select the file type Microsoft Word (.docx)
File->Download->Microsoft Word

Step 4 :
Now go to Grammarly plagiarism checker on your browser and upload the downloaded file using the “Upload File” option

Once you upload the File Click on Scan for Plagiarism . Grammarly will scan the entire document for plagiarism by comparing the text with its source online.
It will also check any spelling mistakes and grammatical errors it finds in the document.
How to Check for Plagiarism on Google Docs(Conclusion)
In the above tutorial, we have shown you steps using which you can check for plagiarism on Google docs. Apart from Grammarly, you can also use other Plagiarism checkers such as Quillbot and Copyscape.
We hope this tutorial on How to Check for Plagiarism on Google Docs was useful.
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