How to Calculate P Value in Google Sheets(Elevate Your Statistical Analysis)

In this tutorial, you will learn How to Calculate p value in Google Sheets

To Calculate P Value in Google Sheets you can use the  T.TEST() function. It utilizes the following syntax to obtain the p-value associated with a t-test:

T.TEST(range 1, range2, tails, type)

Here :

range1: initial sample of data or collection of cells that the t-test will consider.

range2: is the second sample of data or group of cells that the t-test will consider.

type: specifies how many tails there are in the distribution.

if the distribution in 1: is one-tailed.

if the distribution in 2: is two-tailed.

The type of the t-Test is specified by type.

In case 1, a paired test is conducted.

If 2, a homoscedastic (two-sample equal variance) test is run.

If 3, a heteroscedastic (two-sample unequal variance) test is run.

The p-value for the t-test is returned by this function.

Let’s go through a Step-by-Step example to see the above formula in action ????

How to Calculate P Value in Google Sheets

Here’s How to Calculate P Value in Google Sheets :

Step 1: Open Google Sheets

Step 2: Prepare the dataset

Prepare the dataset in google Sheets for which you need to calculate the P-Value.

In this example we will use the following dataset :

Step 2: Calculate the P-Value

Now using a student’s first and second-quarter grades we will compute a paired, two-tailed t-Test.

You can use the following formulas to calculate the P-value of Paired Samples t-Test

T.TEST(A1:A6, B1:B6, 2, 1)
Calculate P Value in Google Sheets

Press enter

The calculated P-value is 0.2220682276.

P-value for Two Sample t-Test with Equal Variance

The p-value for a two-sample t-test with equal variance can be determined using the formula below:

=T.TEST(A1:A6, B1:B6, 2, 2)

The Calculate P-value is 0.3940515747

P-value for Two Sample t-Test with Unequal Variance

The p-value for a two-sample t-test with unequal variance can be determined using the formula below:

=T.TEST(A1:A6, B1:B6, 2, 3)
Calculate P Value in Google Sheets

The calculated P-value is 0.3992558094

How to Calculate P Value in Google Sheets(Conclusion)

In the above tutorial, we have provided you a Step-by-Step Guide using which you can Calculate the p-value in Google Sheets.

We hope this tutorial on How to Calculate P Value in Google Sheets was useful.

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