In this tutorial, we will learn How to make the Period size bigger on Google docs
- Are you currently working with Google docs and came across a situation where you need to change the Period size for a bunch of text in your google docs document. However, you are having difficulty in figuring out How to make the Period size bigger on Google docs.
This article will help to figure out How to make the Period size bigger on Google docs.
Let’s jump straight into the Solution.
Overview of Steps :
- By Using Find and Replace with keyboard Shortcut ( CTRL+F)
- Manuel Adjustment of font size ( in case of a small number of characters )
- Using the Advanced find and Replace Add-on
How to make the Period size bigger on Google docs : Step by Step Guide
( How to Change the Period Size in Google Docs )
Option 1: By Using Find and Replace with keyboard Shortcut ( CTRL+F)
Step 1a: Open your google docs document.

Step 1b: Press and hold the Control key along with the F key on your keyboard ( CTRL+ F)

Step 1c: Type the period in the find dialog search box.
As soon as we type ( .) period in the search box, all the periods in the document are selected as shown below.

Step 1d. Adjust the font size
To adjust the font size use the plus-minus sign on the toolbar as shown below.

You can also increase or decrease the font size using Format Menu.
Click on Format menu->Text->Size->Increase or decrease font size

Option 2: Manuel Adjustment of font size ( in case of a small number of characters )
Open your google docs document and perform the adjustment for each period Manually.
Select the individual period and click on increase font size

Do the same as above for other periods in your document.
Option 3 : Using the Advanced find and replace Add-on
You can install the add-on “Advanced find and replace ” to change the size of periods in google docs.
Step 3a: Install the addon “Advance find and Replace “
- Go to the Main menu and click on Add-ons.
- Under Add-ons select Get add-ons

Google Workspace Marketplace screen will pop up. Type “Advanced Find and Replace ” in the search area.

Click on the addon to get the Install Option

Once you click on Install, it will ask for the necessary permission. Provide the required permission and finish the installation.

Step 3 b. Click on Add-on to select “Advance Find and Replace“.
- On the Main menu click on the Add-ons menu.
- Under Add-ons drop-down select “Advanced find & Replace”
- Now click on Find and replace

Step 3c. Specify period in Find and Replace.
- Once you select Addons->Advanced Find and Replace-> Find & Replace.A new Find and Replace window will pop-up as shown below .
- Type the period in both Find and Replace search area.

Specify the desired font below the Replace search box

Now click on “Replace Selected / All “

The selected period will be replaced with the specified font size.
Conclusion :
We hope this tutorial on How to make the Period size bigger on Google docs was helpful.
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