In this tutorial you will learn How to make a letterhead in Google Docs.
To make a letterhead in Google docs without using templates :
- Open Google docs and start a Blank document.
- Now go to Insert->Header and footers->Header
- Add the letterhead image or Logo and customize the letterhead
- Add additional information.
To make a letterhead in Google docs using templates :
- Logon to Google docs
- Navigate to template Gallery
- Select the desired template under Letters section
- Customize the template
How to make a letterhead in Google Docs : Step by Step Guide
Here are the steps to make a letterhead in Google docs :
#Without using Templates
Step 1 : Open Google docs
Open Google docs and Start a New blank document by Click on the plus sign .

Step 2 : Go to Insert->Header and footers->Header
- Click on the Insert menu on the Main menu bar.
- Under Insert menu drop-down Click on the Header and footers–>Header option

Now you will see a grey line with Header written on it along with a checkbox.
Above this line you can add the logo image for letterhead.

Step 3 : Add the Letterhead image or LOGO
To add an image or logo to the letterhead :
Go to Insert->image and Choose the relevant option to upload the image.
Following are the option to upload the image :
- Upload from computer : To upload the image from local PC
- Search the web : To upload the image by searching the Internet
- Drive : To upload the image from your google drive
- Photos :To upload tje image from Google Photos
- URL : To upload the image using a specific URL

Here we have selected upload from computer and Selected the image from the source folder. :
Once you choose the required image it will appeat on the header section of your Google docs .You can resize the image as per your requirement.

Google docs supports following image formats :
The image file types that Google Docs currently support are *.JPG, *.JPEG, *.PNG and *.GIF
Step 4 : Add addtional information
Now you can starting adding relevant information to your letterhead such as company details ,name ,address and email.
Once the details are entered you can add a footer to your letter head by navigating to Insert->Header and footers->footer

#Using Templates
You can also make a letterhead in Google docs using a pre-built template from Google docs template gallery instead of creating everthing from scratch.If you have never created a template in Google docs ,using a template gives you a good headstart.
Enclosed are the steps to make a letterhead in Google docs using a template.
Step 1 : Logon to Google docs .
Step 2 : Navigate to Template Gallery
Click on the template gallery to check the available pre-built templates .

Step 3 : Select the desired Template.
Once your inside the template Gallery you will find a lot of Templates which are by default grouped to a certain category as per their usage.For example CVs,Letters,Personal,Work
Go to the Letters section and Select the desired Template.

Step 4 : Customize the Template
Once you have opened a template from the template gallery ,you can start customizing it as per your requirement by replacing the text.

How to make a letterhead in Google Docs(Conclusion)
In the above tutorial we have walked you through a step by step guide using which you can create a letter head in Google docs.
We hope this tutorial on How to make a letterhead in Google Docs was useful.
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