In this tutorial we will learn How to use Tab stops in Google docs .
Using tab stops in Google docs can be very useful while working with Google docs .When the tab stop is enabled as soon as you press the tab key your mouse cursor will stop at the next spot.
Let’s go through the steps and see how to display ,add and remove a Tab stop in Google docs.
How to use Tab stops in Google docs : Step by Step Guide
In the below step by step guide we will walk you through the steps to display Ruler and How to use tab stops in Google docs (add ,remove or edit a tab stop)
How to display the Ruler in Google docs
To start working with tab stops we need to display the ruler first.To view the Ruler ,Go to View Menu and Select “Show ruler” from the drop-down to make sure it is checked .By default the Show Ruler option is enabled.

Your Ruler will be visible in the document as shown below .

If you want to disable the tab stop ,Simply Go back to the View menu and Uncheck “Show Ruler” which will hide the tab stops on your Google docs.
How to Add a Tab Stop in Google docs
Open your Google docs document and press the tab key to identify the default tab stops.As soon as your press the tab key your mouse cursor will be moved 0.5 inches to the right hand side.If you continue pressing the tab key it will keep on moving 0.5 inches further to the right
Follow the below steps to add your own tab stop.
Navigate to the Spot on the Ruler where you need the tab stop and then Click on it

Now a new window will pop-up with options to add left ,centre and right tab-stop

As per your requirement check and add a tab stop to the elft ,center or right .Once your choose and add a tab stop ,a blue indicator will be visible as shown below.
In the below example we have select “Add right tab-stop” and the blue indicator is visible which is triangle sign pointing to the left.

Now whenever you press the tab key the default tab stops will not be applicable to the left hand side in your Google docs.But they will be applicable to the right hand side of the new tab stops which are being added.

How to Remove a Tab Stop in Google docs
While working with Google docs you might come across a scenario where you have added a tab stop however later it is not required anymore and you want to add a left or center tab stop instead of right tab stop.
In such cases to remove the tab stop follow the below steps.
Press and hold on the Ruler with Blue indicator and keep draggin it downwards in your Google docs document and your tab stop will ne removed

Suppose you decided to removed all the tab stops which you have added previously .Google docs will be back to its default settings with 0.5 inch cursor movement on every tab press.
How to Edit a Tab Stop in Google Docs
If you want to edit a tab stop and change its current location .Just Press and hold on the blue indicator with your mouse curse and keep moving it on the Rule towards the direction where you want the new tab stop .
Now you will notice a vertical line will appear which will help you to stop it at your desired location

We hope this article on How to use Tab Stops in Google Docs was useful.
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